Thursday, 20 October 2022 18:41

Tattoo removal

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Over 3 million Poles have at least 1 tattoo, and 50% of them will want to have it removed one day. The laser or chemical method is selected depending on the type and color of the dye, as well as the depth of its location. Sometimes both methods can be used simultaneously to get the best possible result.


With a laser.
The pigment used in the tattoo absorbs the laser beams, which is why it is destroyed. After the dye is broken down, it can be partially metabolized (by the immune system) or exfoliated (along with the scab formed after the treatment). The treatment is safe for the skin as the laser beam affects only the dark dye or pigment. During it, a slight burning sensation is felt.

The laser works well for removing professional and amateur tattoos, as well as for removing permanent makeup. The number of treatments depends on: the type of dye and color, pigmentation technique and size of the tattoo.

Q-switch laser.
The short duration of the Q-switch laser pulse (a few nanoseconds) allows to increase its power. As a result, the dye particles are broken down even better than in the case of lower-quality lasers.

Recommendations after laser therapy.
The skin must not be tanned and irritated at least one month before the treatment. For 5-10 days, after treatment, the skin may be slightly red and irritated, so it should be lubricated intensively. To avoid scarring, do not scratch off the scabs. Sunbathing is also forbidden until the 6th week after the treatment.

Avoid UV radiation (use filters with a high SPF factor). For the first 2 days, after laser therapy, avoid soaking the treated area, and for a week, avoid colored cosmetics, as well as excessive physical exertion. In turn, during 2-3 weeks you should not use the sauna or bathing areas.


Disadvantages of the laser method.
Laser methods that were used a few years ago often caused scars, but the Q-switch laser significantly reduces the risk of their formation. However, they often only lighten the dye without completely removing it. Therefore, laser removal (lightening) of a tattoo should be considered mainly by people who do not want to get rid of it completely, but want to lighten it in order to cover it with a new drawing.

Some colors (e.g. green and yellow) are not sensitive to laser light. That is why the tattoo often brightens, despite 6-8 treatments. The dyes also contain heavy metal salts. After they are broken, by the laser beam, they remain in the lymph nodes or internal organs. It is hard to say what impact this may have on our health in the future.